Friday, April 19, 2013

The U.P, a blizzard and snowshoes.. 4/19/13

Today is April 19th 2013. 

This is how I spent my afternoon.

I am probably one of the few people in the U.P that was excited to have blizzard today. I did not have many chances to snowshoe this winter because I was busy or was out of town. So, today may have been my last opportunity to play in the snow. (hopefully spring/summer is coming) 

Once I put my winter gear on, I grabbed the snowshoes and headed outside! I did not travel far, mostly because I had 26 acres to explore. I am very lucky to have grown up in this area, and to have a backyard like this. 

My brothers dog Sosa joined me and here are some photos from our adventure! This is what it looks like on Lake Linden Hill, in Calumet Michigan! 

Walking in the woods.

Old school snowshoes. My favorite:) 

Just getting started on our adventure. 

Sosa playing in the snow. Watching for anything that moves. 

I fell playing with Sosa. 

Our trail.