I grew up taking pictures on my mom’s old 35 mm camera. I never read a manual on how to use it. I just went out into the world (my back yard) and took pictures. I was having fun, and that was all that mattered to me. I didn’t need to take great photos; I just wanted to capture what I saw. To this day, some of my favorite pictures were taken on that 35 mm camera.
My first photography course was in Rome, Italy about 6 years ago. It was a film class so I was excited to finally learn how to use a camera. It was a great feeling to know what things meant and produce the type of pictures I wanted with out wasting roles of film trying to figure it out. Once knew what I was doing, I traveled all over Europe snapping pictures of everything I came across. If you have ever traveled with me or been on a photography adventure, you know this is still true today.
Last year I had the opportunity to take a black and white printing class. The professor I had was amazing. He taught me more about photography, film cameras, and printing. I was able to take pictures, develop roles of film, and print them all on my own! There is something magical about being in a dark room, waiting for the pictures you made to appear.
These photos are from my class assignments. They were scanned so the quality is not the best. Hope you enjoy looking at them as much as I enjoyed printing them J
This was the first photo I took, developed and printed on my own with out assistance from the professor. It was taken at the Hardly Strictly Blues Festival in San Francisco in 2010. Todd Sheaffer from RailRoad Earth. 4/88 seconds/2.5 filter, 0 filter/30 seconds around the edges, 40 seconds on his head.
For my final assignment in the class I had to take a series of photos with the same object in the photos. My object was a book from Jared Diamond, "Guns, Germs and Steal". I went around to various places in Los Angles and took pictures. This one was in front of the Guitar Center in West Hollywood.
8/28seconds/3 filter
This was another picture from the series. It was taken on a gloomy rainy day near USC. I had to wait a while to make sure there were no cars on the road. 4/ 12seconds/3 filter - 0 filter, 10 seconds around edges
Another assignment was to take pictures of objects that described me. I found it difficult to think of things that told my story. My approach to this assignment was thinking about what represented me and what I always had with me. In this picture, I wanted to represent my 'nerdy' side. The books are a symbol of my love to learn. I always have a book with me in my purse, backpack or car that I am reading. The mug represents my need to be drinking tea or coffee all the times. 8/35seconds/2.5 filter 20seconds sides/edges with 0 filter

This photo was taken from one of my favorite places in Los Angeles, on a roof/parking lot in Culver City. The intersection is Venice Blvd and Washington Blvd. I would often visit this place to look at the snow covered mountains and the bright lights from downtown. Across the street is Del Taco, and in the distance you can see a small lights from downtown. This photo was taken at dusk during rush hour. 8/50seconds/0 filter - burned edges 10 seconds, burned the sides 25 seconds, burned lower left corner 30 seconds at 0 filter
Marina Del Rey Boat Marina. When I lived closer to Marina del Rey, I would ride a bike down by the boats and to the beach. 8/ 25seconds/ 2.5 filter burned 30seconds 0 filter (sky)
Palm tress at Dockweiler Beach. 8/30seconds/1filter. burned edges 10 seconds, 0 filter
My friend Julie. I was taking pictures inside and she was heading down the stairs outside. She looked into the window and I took her picture. You can see the reflection of my camera and hand. 5/30 seconds/4.5 filter - edges burned 10seconds with 0 filter
For one of my last assignments I need to take a portrait picture so I asked Julie to help me. 4/21seconds/2.5 seconds burned edges 10seconds with 0 filter.
This is another picture that was supposed to represent me. The rain boots represent my love of rain and being outdoors during any type of weather. Hula Hoops represents the reason why I moved to Los Angeles, to work with at risk students. As a result of that decision, I am currently going to school to become a high school teacher in low income areas. (the hula hoops were made by my friends Christina and Sonja, for a fundraiser to help support the college center I ran after them) 8/40 seconds/2.5 filter, 10 seconds at 0 filter around edges.
My friend Abhishek at Dockweiler beach California. I loved the bonfires/get together we used to have at that beach. 5.6/ 35seconds/ 1.5 filter. Burned edges 10seconds with 0 filter.
A fun fact about this photo: These pumpkins were at the Trader Joes near my apartment in Culver City. I walked up to them and started to take pictures. I was asked to leave by the management of the store. 8/30seconds/3 filter. burned 20 seconds with 0 filter
Barnacles under the pier at Manhattan Beach California. 8/50seconds/3.5 filter burned 10 seconds with 0 filter.
This photo was taken in Nicaragua on Ometepe Island where I studied Black Howler Monkeys in the summer of 2007. (didnt print this in my class, just thought it was a neat photo that showed life on the island)
London England. When you are crossing major streets in London, the city has these words painted on the edges of side walks. The first time I was there in 2000, I almost got hit by a double decker bus. When I went back in 2006, I paid more attention to what was written. I found it hard to get used to looking the opposite way. (picture was not printed in my class - taken March 2006)